Breast Imaging And Diagnostics 2
Medical Specialities

Breast Imaging & Diagnostics Center in Abu Dhabi

Our Women's Diagnostics & Breast Imaging Center offers comprehensive screening and diagnostic services for breast cancer. We use advanced imaging techniques, including mammograms and ultrasounds, to detect breast cancer in its early stages, when treatment is most effective. Schedule an appointment for a screening if you're over 40 or have a family history of breast cancer.

Breast Imaging And Diagnostics 2

Our Women’s Diagnostics & Breast Imaging Center provides comprehensive service inclusive of regular screening, and diagnosis for patients more likely to be at risk of getting breast cancer. Regular breast cancer screenings help with detecting breast cancer in its early stages so the chances of treatment are better. Proudly, we are accredited by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DOH).as a screening center for breast cancer as well as cervical cancer.

Our full-fledged radiology department team in collaboration with our obstetricians and gynecologists, consultants, general surgeons and plastic surgeons, provide comprehensive service for screening, early diagnosis and surgical treatment of breast tumors.

Some of our services include

  • Mammography
  • Ultrasounds
  • Ultrasound guided biopsies
  • CT-guided biopsies
  • Stereotactic biopsies

As women get older, they are more likely to be at risk of getting breast cancer. Regular breast screenings help with detecting breast cancer in its earlier stages. As per DOH recommendations, women over 40 and above should undergo breast screening every two years. If the woman has family history or have any symptoms, a screening should be performed regardless of age.

Mammography provides specialized medical imaging using low-intensity x-ray tests called mammograms. Mammograms are offered at Danat Al Emarat’s Breast Imaging Center which is accredited as a screening center by Mammograms are essential screening tests to check for breast cancer, especially for women exhibiting symptoms of the disease. They also prove to be necessary after diagnosis, to track changes of any possible tumors or lumps found.

During a mammogram, a fixed x-ray tube takes images of all the angles of the breasts to provide a comprehensive image, giving our experts a clear understanding of your condition before diagnosis. Mammograms help in spotting cancers when any changes in the breast would otherwise be too small to feel and when there’s a good chance of successful treatment and full recovery.

Advanced imaging technologies like digital mammography and biopsies are used for effective diagnosis. We also use traditional diagnostic methods such as MRI and ultrasound to verify the results of imaging and screening.

When to see a healthcare provider?

You should seek medical care when

  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from the rest of your breast
  • You find a new lump or any change that feels different from your other breast
  • You feel something that is different what you felt before on your breast.

Although a lump or any change may be nothing to worry about, you will have the peace of mind that it was checked. If you have had benign lump in the past, don’t assume a new lump will be the same. The new may not be breast cancer, but it is best to make sure. In all cases, don’t panic if you found a lump. Studies show that 8 out of 10 lumps are NOT cancerous. However, book an appointment at your earliest. Screening and early detection are key.

Highly Qualified Doctors at Your Service

A great place to receive personal care, offers special healthcare for women.

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    We partner with prominent health insurers to offer healthcare coverage for our patients.

  • Location & Opening Hours
    Location & Opening Hours

    Conveniently located in Rabdan, Abu Dhabi, offers a welcoming environment for women and children seeking exceptional healthcare.

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